Feedback from Seminar Participants for the Luminous Body courses.
We hear many comments and get much feedback at every seminar about people's experiences with DaBen's teachings. Since most people do not write reviews, but let us know in person what they experience, we want to share some of their feedback with you.
These are some comments people made during and after the seminars about their experiences of the luminous body and DaBen’s luminous body meditations. (See bottom of page for course descriptions and links to current seminars being taught in this series.
“New Senses are opening up since the seminars! This has allowed me to communicate with my cats and dog in a new way that they are responding to. I am able to better sense what they are telling me as well. It is a full body, almost 3-D experience of their reality that is so rich it is exquisite. I am much more able to connect with the earth and trees as well.”
New Birth: “I feel as if I am experiencing something like a new birth, and others I have talked to feel the same way.”
“The next step on my path was given to me during a journey! This is an answer to all of my asking to know what I am to do next. This just dropped in, out of the blue, during the journey! There was such a sense of rightness to the message."
"During the journeys my vision opened and the pieces of my life fell into place. I could see what I needed to do next."
“My purpose came to me. I was shown how to create and share my practice through a teaching program. I do not know how it will all come together but I know it will happen.”
Using light body spaces into my daily life: "I have wondered how the light body would translate into my daily life. I had one epiphany after another about how to do this. I realize now how the light body and luminous body are supporting all that I do, giving me a vast perspective on my life."
“I feel so happy! There is a feeling of joy that I cannot explain in words. Everybody I talk with at the seminar is so excited about what has been revealed to them during DaBen’s journeys. You can see the joy on everybody’s face.”
Guidance: "In these new spaces of the luminous body I have experienced clear guidance, some in the form of new senses that involve inner visions and some through inner hearing. It is different than from what I have experienced in the past. The messages are very much geared to teaching me and helping me with new ideas and which ways to go. It feels like this is the beginning of a new phase."
A new spiritual vision experience: “I started opening to a new quality of spiritual vision. This seems to be coming as part of my new work that is unfolding. I am so excited!”
"While working with the Vast beings I started having some incredible insights. I had no idea that these being would offer these kinds of opportunities."
Fun and Play: “The seminars have been all about play. The life-changing experiences are not work. It is so much fun and incredibly transformative to be in these spaces!”
Thoughts and Beliefs: “I now realize what thoughts and beliefs have been imprisoning me, and how (with or through) the luminous body I can lift above these.”
“I realize now that there are many more options available to me that I never knew existed before. I can now move forward; I know what I need to do. I am no longer afraid. I know new thoughts will unfold to support me.”
Pieces Scattered and Now Brought Back Together: "Before I came, there was a feeling that I had “pieces” associated with my life that were scattered or just not connected, and now those pieces, like a puzzle, have become part of a bigger picture."
“I no longer doubt myself and my beliefs. I know for certain that nobody can tempt me to doubt myself and my beliefs anymore (while pointing to his heart). I KNOW what I know. “
Surrendering: "I was finally able to surrender and walk away from so many old beliefs and ideas. DaBen kept saying that, and finally, somehow it happened and when it did it was like suddenly being lifted into an entirely different space. Entirely different! There was this BIG opening."
"For whatever reason, it has been hard for me to let go and trust the process. And then it happened! During one of the DaBen journeys a door opened into an entirely new experience. DaBen has been telling us to trust the process and how “surrender” is important, and I finally got the message and it worked."
"There is a new freedom I feel inside of me that brings so much happiness. It is like I know myself more than I have ever known myself before, and that brings me a kind of happiness that I can barely hold back."
Experienced an entirely new dimension of light: ”During a journey I felt like I entered a whole new dimension of light, with Vast beings and a feeling of profound love beyond what I have ever experienced. I will never be the same. I cannot wait to continue to explore this whole new luminous realm.”
Incredible Peace: “The experience of peace cannot be described because it is a different state than what we think of as ordinary peace. There needs to be a new word for this deep peace, because our existing words do not do justice to it.”
“I can rise into a higher realization and perspective of my life than before. During DaBen’s journeys I felt like my foundation expanded and now I can rise into a higher understanding of my life and into more light than ever before.
Luminous Body Experience: "I had the most amazing experience of the luminous body in these journeys and it is REAL!"
DaBen's Seminar Series
General Information about All Seminars
All Duane talks and DaBen meditations as available as live audio feed, download and streaming.
DaBen will transmit to you individually whatever spaces are next for you during each journey.
There will be 25 more more DaBen meditations and numerous talks in each Main Seminar Friday through Sunday.
There will be 18 or more guided journeys in each 2-day Companion Seminar Tuesday through Wednesday.
For graduates of the Main seminar, there will be four mini-seminars (Fridays, 9AM - 12PM PST) with 8 journeys to continue to explore these energies.
Final audio is professionally edited, studio quality, available about 12-14 weeks, and sometimes sooner, after the seminar concludes for you to download or stream.
A PDF manual with transcripts of the Main and Light Play seminars will be available about 12-14 weeks after the seminar.
A zip file will be provided with the final edited talks and journeys of the Main and Light Play seminars, which will include a PDF file with transcripts, will be available about 12-14 weeks after the seminar.
Live Audio Feed: You can listen to Duane and DaBen's talks and meditations as they are given in real time by clicking on the LIVE AUDIO FEED.
Streaming and Download: Duane's talks and DaBen's meditations will also be posted for streaming and download usually about 2 hours after they are given, as our audio engineer does some preliminary processing and clean up of the audio.
Final Edited Audio: Our studio engineer does a lot of post-production audio clean up, so that you can pick up the final, studio quality edited audio within about 12-14 weeks after the seminar ends.
Mini-seminar Series - Light Body Explorations
Four monthly half-day mini-seminars, more than 20 DaBen journeys LB506E $375
Part 1 9 December 2022. Part 2 6 January 2023, Part 3 3 February 2023, Part 4 3 March 2023
Prerequisite October 2022 Main Seminar
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Exciting New Mini-seminar Series - Evolving Awakening Light Body Consciousness
Four monthly half-day mini-seminars, more than 20 DaBen journeys LB141E $375
Part 1 16 December 2022, Part 2 13 January 2023, Part 3 10 February 2023, Part 4 10 March 2023
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Main Seminar, First of Two in a New Series - Being Light
Three days, more than 25 DaBen journeys LB985E $575
21 through 23 April 2023
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Two-Day Light Play Seminar Series - Being of Light following the Main Seminar
Two days, more than 18 DaBen journeys LB721E $375
25 through 26 April 2023
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Mini-seminar Series - Light Body Explorations
Four monthly half-day mini-seminars, more than 20 DaBen journeys LB507E $375
Four months between May and September 2023, to be announced
Prerequisite April 2023 Main Seminar
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Mini-seminar Series - Evolving Awakening Light Body Consciousness
Four monthly half-day mini-seminars, more than 20 DaBen journeys LB142E $375
Four months between May and September 2023, to be announced
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Main Seminar, Second of Two in a New Series - Being Light
Three days, more than 25 DaBen journeys LB986E $575
20 through 22 October 2023
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Two-Day Light Play Seminar Series - Being of Light following the Main Seminar
Two days, more than 18 DaBen journeys LB722E $375
24 through 25 October 2023
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Mini-seminar Series - Light Body Explorations
Four monthly half-day mini-seminars, more than 20 DaBen journeys LB508E $375
Four months between November 2023 and March 2024, to be announced
Prerequisite October 2023 Main Seminar
Register or read more
There will be four mini-seminars (Fridays, 9AM-12PM PST) offered in-between the April and October seminars for graduates of the Main seminars.
You can have wonderful, expansive, and breakthrough experiences at all levels of study as you get into the energy spaces DaBen is transmitting. Success with DaBen's meditations is not about keeping up with the group or getting the same thing as everybody else is getting, (because everyone will have a completely unique experience as well). It is about opening to the individual opportunities that are the right ones for you.
whatever energies are next for you.
DaBen will offer you yet another immense shift in consciousness.