Tell Us about Your Students and Class Dates so DaBen and Orin can transmit to you and your students.
Assistance in picking Thaddeus music to use for your classes.
Upgrade your Light Body Tapes or CDs for Downloads/streaming for 50% off.
Welcome to our Light Body Teacher's Announcement Page!
Current Light Body Seminar Information
DaBen's graduate light body seminars teach DaBen's latest work and are always about bringing through energies that are new to the earth plane. Participants are the pioneers of opening this energy. You are at the leading edge of human consciousness as you explore these energies, playing with new energies and patterns of light and consciousness that have not previously existed on the earth plane.
Go here to read about our latest graduate light body seminars. You can participate by coming in person or participating remotely online, from a place of your choosing.
Thaddeus Music Guide for your classes
To assist you in picking what Thaddeus music to use for your classes, you can view our suggested music list here. In addition, if you have the six volume DaBen and Orin Awakening Your Light Body album, the online PDF that comes with the download version of the light body courses contains a list of what music has been used for each journey.
Copy/Share Information for Light Body Students and Teachers

You can purchase any light body download course that you own in tape or CD format for 50% off one time. You may also order any of the DaBen and Orin light body graduate courses for 50% off if we have you on record as having purchased them from LuminEssence, (or from a qualified teacher if we have record of it). The six-volume download course has been digitally reedited, has new Thaddeus music behind the journeys, and comes with an online PDF with color pictures of the light body.
Re-edited Download Version of the Basic Light Body Course Available
We have re-edited all six of the light body albums (as of 2010). The content is the same, however we have been able to further digitally remaster the light body audio journeys for enhanced sound quality. If you purchased the download version prior to February 2010, go to your Member's Area, under "My Downloads and Seminars" link, and you will find the new download version there, ready for you to download again to replace your older download journeys. This will be our last re-edit of the six-volume DaBen and Orin Awakening Your Light Body course.
Detailed Information on Our Copyright Policies for Sharing/ Copying/ Teaching Courses
Follow the links below to read about our policies for sharing, copying, and teaching these courses:
Copy/Share Policies for all Orin only courses.
Copy/Share Policies for basic Awakening Your Light Body courses (LB111-LB116).
Copy/Share Policies for DaBen and Orin graduate Light Body courses (LB121-LB126; LB914-LB916; LB924-LB927).
Copy/Share Policies for DaBen only graduate Light Body courses (LB131; LB221; LB917-LB918; LB921-LB923; LB928; LB931-LB333).
Copy/Share Policies for DaBen's Light Body Consciousness courses (LB941-LB948). (Requires teacher's course LB853 to teach)
Copy/Share Policies for Exploring Infinite Being courses (LB951-LB956).
Copy/Share Policies for all seminar courses (LB961-LB984) or any current seminars after that.
Copy/Share Policies for DaBen's Current Series, Evolving into Your Luminous Body (LB961-LB969, all courses through LB984) and Living the Light Body, Light Play courses(LB701-LB7xx) and current graduate light body seminars
Read more about being among the first to experience these energies, DaBen's commitment and transmissions to you, and why not to share these courses.
You agree not to give other people access to your online seminar/course journeys and talks.
The audio talks and journeys are copyrighted and may not be shared through iPods or similar types of listening devices.
Please do not share CDs that you may burn or other methods of copying and sharing audio files with others. There will not be a teacher's training course for this series at this time, as DaBen is not designing this series in a way that it can be taught.
Guidelines for making DaBen and Orin's journeys available to your students/Internet Policies
Orin and DaBen Light Body journeys:
Streaming: Because it is too easy for people to capture and copy streaming audio, and then to post it on the internet or other sites, we do not give people permission to stream any of the Orin or DaBen audio courses or single journeys or Thaddeus' music by itself, openly via the Internet, Skype, or other applications.
Conference Call: It is fine to offer light body meditations by conference call to students, as long as they are not the actual Orin and DaBen meditations being played, but the teacher's class meditations. The only thing we ask is that the journeys not be posted on the internet unless they are password protected and only available to the students taking that class, and that students do not share or make them available through the internet to other people.
Go here for full-length free Orin Audio Meditations
Read our Light Body Teacher's Announcement page for updated teacher's information.
Click on the small color graph "Awakening Your Light Body Path Information" for a study guide. This explains What's Next after you graduate from the light body. It explains the light body and how the graduate courses relate to each other.
General Teacher's Information
Read Qualifications to Teach for all the requirements and qualifications for teaching Light Body courses.
View Teaching Materials for teaching materials information
Visit the wholesale policies for other products you may want to sell to your students.
Download the free PDF Teacher's manual
Link to Our Site
View our listing of light body teachers and check your records for accuracy and information.
To be listed on our site as a light body teacher Fill out the Internet Listing Form
and your Awakening Your Light Body Teacher's Agreement
Please enter your student's names and addresses by logging in to the Member's Area and click on the Light Body Teacher link.
Light Body Student's Privacy Policy: All information you send us is completely confidential.
A suggested list of how to use Thaddeus' music with light body journeys.
View more information about each piece of Thaddeus' music, go here.
Contact Us
LuminEssence Productions
1900 NE 3rd St #106-202
Bend, OR 97701 USA
Call our office, leave a message, and we will probably call you back if you are in U.S.A., Canada, or Mexico, however we might respond by email if we think that would be a clearer response. If you leave a voice mail from other countries then we will probably email you due to the difference in time zones. Whenever possible make sure we have a current email address for you. If you need to change the email address associated with your account, you can do so after logging into your Member Area on our website.
Phone: 541-770-6700 (USA)
The most efficient way to contact us is to use our Guest Book. If you have addressed your comments to Sanaya and Duane, please note that they are unable to personally answer you, however they do read your guest book messages and appreciate your comments.