
Personal Power thru Awareness     July 17, 2020
By I. D.  (FL)
I have been reading this book since 2006 and I continue to read and listen. Audio now is my preference because it's easier for me even though I also have the book. Clearing Energy Section which has been added only in Audio has been my life savior since I saw it. whenever my energy is off, I listen and each time I am back to being on to higher-self. Today I had a major breakthrough in energy because I've been out of work since March 15th due to pandamic, and I was having energy issues at work. While at home all I did was read, listen, and write for spiritual guidance. What i have been able to achieve mentally, psychologically, emotionally, and spiritually is beyond anything I have been able to do because of time being limited since I worked. Now even while I was still having a set-back and felt stuck with one relationship regarding communication, I am free from the let down feeling and helplessness because I can only change myself and not another. I wish I could have a print out of Clearing Energy, but with the many times I listen to it, I trust it's in my system and working to support me. The fact that I need to keep clearing energy is the challenge for the human mind, because it thinks I have it, and I will not need it again. The spiritual truth is I need it everyday and throughout my day. I just need to tell myself that when I start to feel I'm losing energy, I need to pay attention, and meditate to recover my energy.

Thanks to Sanaya, Duane, Orin, and Daben, I am living my didvine purpose with all your support and guidance. Amen
Note: The revised Personal Power book has the clearing information added so you can read it in the revised book (as of June, 2019).

Personal Power though Awareness     June 23, 2020
By T. T.  (WA)
I was given this book in 1996 by a co-worker. As I flip through the pages now there are pink highlighter marks throughout. This book was the beginning of a spiritual inward adventure. I’ve covered many spiritual teaching since and find myself back to this book again with a new perspective. This time I am listening to the remarkable audio by Sanaya. Her voice and Orin’s words touch me viscerally! This is old information found new and even more profound; equal if not more tangible than the other teachings I’ve had the opportunity to study! Thank you, Orin and Sanaya!

extremely helpful     July 12, 2019
By D. L.  (KY)
This is a thank you for the revised PPTA book. I have been listening to the new chapters and find them extremely helpful. They contain answers to some things I have been asking my inner guidance about - believing I would receive them in the right time... and here they are! They also contain information I had not asked for - information that is truly beneficial in my life right now. Maybe I was asking without consciously being aware of it.

Like an old friend     January 9, 2013
By G. B.  (CA)
I love the audio books. I receive the information differently when hearing the words rather than reading them. I enjoy both the books and audio books so much! Each time I read or listen to Personal Power Through Awareness, it seems new to me. There is so much practical information contained in this book. I am very grateful to Orin and Sanaya for making this material available. It is truly transformational in the best and deepest sense of the word.