I loved it! June 17, 2014
By C. B. (Great Britain)
Thank you so much for the Exploring Infinite Being series. I have felt myself changing with each part, releasing so much and flowing so much more. I am nearly at the end of part 4 and though I have enjoyed many of the journeys including the wonderful Funnel Beings, I had such a lovely experience with no 26 Totality of Experience, Beyond Observer, I felt such a moment of change and then I came to no 30 Beings Whose Experience Spans Corporeal & Non Corporeal and I loved it so very very much that I cried when I came to the end and it was very hard to let go! Thank you so very very much.
My trust and faith and joy are steadily increasing. October 1, 2010
By P. W. (WA)
I want to thank you again for working with DaBen and other guides to develop these courses for expanding our consciousness. I am in an almost constant state of gratitude for having found you and become a part of the process. More and more I am finding that my persistence is paying off with insights that come from specific journeys and also from the cumulative effect of all of the courses. I find that the frequency journeys have become much much more accessible to me and are so enjoyable. They seem to be helping me with the most recent journeys as well.
I also thank you for bringing the new guide to each of us. I can feel that his desire to support me is as strong (or maybe stronger) than my desire to have a clear channel. There have been many many shifts in my life--sometimes a series of small shifts that are amounting to a big shift. My trust and faith and joy are steadily increasing.
I am looking forward to this next seminar (Oct 2010) with a growing appreciation of what an opportunity it is and also for the joy in being with you and Sanaya and all of the participants.
Glorious, I feel a warm and wonderful sense of well being September 15, 2010
By J. G. (Australia)
I wanted to check in and thank you for a glorious seminar in April 2010. You and DaBen really outdid yourself with this one. The effects are continuing to flow. The simplest way to say it that I feel a warm and wonderful sense of well being. And, the proto-star is so beautiful and luminous as it emerges. Love and Light.
With Gratitude September 15, 2010
By J. H. (Australia)
I wanted to write to you about the most recent seminar (April 2010), first of all with gratitude for the power and the direction in which you and DaBen took us; DaBen’s new direction to focus our love and compassion on the broad scale to which you introduced us. So, thank you! With love, light, and best wishes.
Fantastic Adventure August 26, 2010
By J. M. (Netherlands)
I would like to thank you again, this 2010 year was amazing. After the seminars I feel so fulfilled; this year for the first time I feel in total alignment and the connection is always there, is very solid. Also giving the Self-Exciting training as a teacher had brought me new dimensions which I translate easily in daily life, also for my students. I feel very grateful for this fantastic adventure.
Feeling more expanded and honored July 28, 2010
By J. B. (OR)
I love the funnel meditations and the proto star journey and always come back feeling more expanded and honored to work with these beings and I feel it building within me When I have a doubt or limiting thought these days it feels so odd and I quickly ask for a different perspective and always get one. And several times a week I listen to Orin's journey on Opening to a New Identity, Clearing the Way that Sanaya did during the seminar. It is so packed with guidance I feel myself shifting every time I do it. Enjoying these journeys immensely and looking forward to the next seminar in Oct 2010. Much Appreciation and Love
My upward connection is deepening and my channeling skills are improving July 19, 2010
By G. D. (Belgium)
I am also aware of the energy of the You as a Focus of Consciousness Class. My upward connection is deepening and my channeling skills are improving. I am looking forward to attend the October 2010 class in Medford.
Profound April 28, 2010
By P. D. (CA)
Although it's a new experience for me to do this seminar remotely, I find the experience as profound and full as if I were there in person. Although my personality misses seeing and interacting with everyone, this is the perfect way for me to experience this seminar. As always thank you, DaBen and all the beings who are holding the space for us. I can feel many shifts taking place including in my physical body.
Spaces were amazing April 28, 2010
By K. L. (AZ)
I just completed the seminar remotely. The spaces were amazing and I experienced so much despite not being there in person. As I looked at the group picture I felt sad that I did not attend this time and then was drawn to click the picture so that I could see better. Suddenly my eyes and heart were filled with the love from everyone's smiles. Thank you so much for the great picture!