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Orin and Sanaya's Spiritual Growth: Being Your Higher Self You can listen to Orin's Spiritual Growth: Being Your Higher Self audio courses that go with the book, Raising Your Vibration (SG101), and Being Your Higher Self (SG102) to further develop your ability to sense energy and stay true to who you are deep within. Orin has many single guided meditations to assist you in creating a joyful life.
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Audio Book: Spiritual Growth: Being Your Higher Self SGE Type: Audio Course By: Read by Sanaya Roman Download Audio Book read by Sanaya Roman based on revised eBook edition. Be your Higher Self in everyday life and move to a higher state of consciousness. Receive answers and guidance from your Higher Self. Work with light, connect with the Universal Mind and Higher Will. Learn non-attachment; right use of will; travel into probable realities; and experience more joy, harmony, peace, and love. More... | |
Basic Awakening Your Light Body: Part 1 Building Your Power Base LB111 Type: Audio Course By: DaBen and Orin Download, PDF This is one of DaBen and Orin's most transformative spiritual growth courses. Part 1, Building Your Power Base is the place to start to transform your life and consciousness as you awaken your light body. Directly experience many higher, expanded states of consciousness. DaBen transmits energies to teach you how to activate your light body centers (not chakras). Orin provides many processes to assist you in preparing for the rapid growth that can occur as you awaken your light body. More... | |
Being Your Higher Self SI040 Type: Audio Single Meditation By: Orin Download Single journey: Merge with and become your Higher Self, give yourself advice from this wiser perspective, and bring your Higher Self into your mind, body, and emotions to live as your Higher Self. | |
Expanding Your Potential SI102 Type: Audio Single Meditation By: Orin Download Go beyond anything you thought possible to have in any area of your life. Open to new visions of yourself, let go of old beliefs, and expand your potential for success. You will work with energy, symbols, and more to become all you can be. | |
Meeting Your Soul SG001 Type: Audio Short Course By: Orin Download Meet your soul and join with it more fully. Hear the still, small voice of your soul. The second journey will help you live as your soul, gaining power, strength, wisdom, and clarity as your soul guides you. These are wonderful journeys of transformation. More... | |
Moving Into Higher Consciousness SI012 Type: Audio Single Meditation By: Orin Download Link with your higher self, soul, and a Master to increase your inner light and experience higher states of consciousness. From a higher state you will look at your life to explore your higher purpose, set up higher flows, and transform limiting thoughts to create a higher future. | |
Opening Spiritually SG002 Type: Audio Single Meditation By: Orin Download You will work with your Higher Self and the guides to open your channel upward to the higher dimensions of your self, to your soul and Spirit. Open your third eye to see life through the eyes of your soul, to better know what choices and decisions will put you on a higher path. Bring your soul's light into your body, mind, and emotions, into your nervous and circulatory systems, and into your chakras. As you do you can awaken your spiritual potential, align with your spiritual path, connect | |
Orin's Divine Will Series: Transforming Your Life with Divine Will MM050 Type: Audio Course By: Orin Download, PDF If you are new to Divine Will, this is a good place to start. You will be given an overview of the 7 Divine Wills, and learn how to call upon each of the 7 Great Ones transmitting Divine Will to transform your life and consciousness. Gain more spiritual power, initiate new awareness, awaken spiritual vision, evolve your consciousness, expand your wisdom, let go of battles, deepen your intuition, have illumined thoughts, follow the highest light within you, and create heaven on earth. More... | |
Orin's Spiritual Growth: Being Your Higher Self SG102 Type: Audio Course By: Orin Download, PDF Become your Higher Self, create miracles with light, send light to others, connect with the Universal Mind, flow with the Higher Will, work with the masters, see the bigger picture, and allow your higher good. Learn to let go of anything that does not serve your higher good and experience more inner peace. Based on Orin's Spiritual Growth book. More... | |
Orin's Spiritual Growth: Raising Your Vibration SG101 Type: Audio Course By: Orin Download, PDF Experience many expanded states of consciousness to open your heart, to calm your emotions, to accelerate your spiritual growth, to work in probable realities to choose the reality you want, to expand and contract time, to lift the veils of illusion, to learn right use of will, and to become transparent. Based on Orin's book, Spiritual Growth. More... | |
Orin's Transformation: Evolving Your Personality SG200 Type: Audio Course By: Orin Download, PDF Transform your personality as you lessen the push-pull of resistance and let go of doubts, fears, and self-criticism. Love and honor yourself and your path. This course is one of our most popular for you who are on a path of spiritual growth to help you feel more self-love, joy, and peace, and to integrate all the light you are bringing in. More... | |
Spiritual Growth Meditation/Affirmations SG100 Type: Audio Short Course By: Orin Download Contains one guided meditation as well as affirmations by Orin to assist you in growing spiritually. Receive guidance from your Higher Self. Work with light; link with the Higher Will and Universal Mind; learn non-attachment and right use of will; travel into probable realities; and experience more joy, harmony, peace, and love in your life. Based on Orin's book, Spiritual Growth. More... | |
Staying In Your Center SG003 Type: Audio Single Meditation By: Orin Download Learn to stay in the present moment, aware and conscious of your thoughts, emotions, and the energy around you. Become a steady source of light to others. Learn to relax, stay centered, and not be affected by the energies around you so you can stay centered and balanced at all times. | |
Trusting Your Inner Guidance SI107 Type: Audio Single Meditation By: Orin Download Recognize and learn to trust your inner guidance. Make yourself the authority of what is right for you. Open the channel to your Higher Self to feel more courage. Develop your ability to see through illusions and all that would block you from trusting your inner guidance. | |
Spiritual Growth, Articles and Products on Our Website
Be your Higher Self in everyday life and move to a higher state of consciousness. Receive answers and guidance from your Higher Self. Work with light, connect with the Universal Mind and Higher Will. Learn non-attachment; right use of will; travel into probable realities; and experience more joy, harmony, peace, and love. Note: Revised eBook is updated, however the information is essentially the same as in the printed book. Visit Orin's Meditation Room choose from various meditation topics. Meditations include processes to receive solar light; make soul contact; awaken soul vision; energize your life purpose; take a shower of light; experience joy, a clear creative mind, relaxation, self-love, cellular activation, and loving relationships; feel energetic, clear blockages, open to receive, receive answers from within, request extra energy, and more. Visit the Creating Your Highest Future Room daily to receive inspirational excerpts from our books. Receive Daily Affirmations in the Affirmations Room |