Type: Audio Course
Journeys By: Sanaya and Orin
Contains: 10 Guided Meditations, Talks
Music by: Thaddeus
Length: Approximately 4.75 hours
MP3 - 128kbs. Download after purchase by going to the "My Downloads and Seminars" in the members area. There is no limit to how many times you can download.
Audio, PDF Manual with TranscriptsProduct Number: OR918
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Orin's Vision: Creating Your Highest Future
This course works with star energy. If you would like to explore this energy, you can listen to Orin's free audio journey, aligning with Star Energy to begin or strengthen your connection to the star energies taught in this Vision course.
Start Now:
Orin's Aligning with Star Energy Guided Meditation
Music: Thaddeus TH051 Spiritual Sun Vortex
Length 24:45 minutes Read transcript.
Streaming and Download Note
Downloading Use the green button with the down arrow to download the audio meditations to your computer. Downloads are 128kbs quality audio. If you have a slow Internet speed or low bandwidth Internet connection we recommend that you download the meditation as you may find the streaming option starts and stops when you play it. You can then listen to this meditation on your computer without interruption, burn a CD of it, or put it on an MP3 player.
Streaming Use the black button with the white arrow. You will need a broadband or high speed internet connection. Streaming should work fine on your mobile device.
We recommend downloading this meditation as these free meditations are available for a limited time only. Once you download this to your computer or device, you can listen to it indefinitely.
Link with the Master of Vision and the Lords of Time
In this course, Part 2 of Orin's Vision Courses, Orin will guide you to discover many ways to create your highest future. You will work with the Lords of Time and the Master of Vision, and learn ways to set up your third eye to look into the future. You will learn how to increase your ability to look into time, see more detail, know what is important to focus on, and know what is not yours to see or know.
View Your and Humanity's Future
You will look one year into the future for yourself and humanity, three years, and ten years. You will be guided to look at potential earth changes and societal changes, and to make predictions. You will look at your own future within this greater framework and find those choices, decisions, and paths that support you in creating your highest future.
Strengthen Your Ability to Find Highest Choices
You will strengthen your ability to receive guidance from your subconscious, Higher Self and soul to find those choices, decisions and paths that create your path of most light. You will receive a message from your innermost Self about the most life-giving, important step you could take right now to create your highest future and unfold the higher purpose of your life.
View Your Soul's Records to Know More About Why You Are Here
You will explore how to project your soul’s light into your life to manifest forms and circumstances that reflect your soul’s love, wisdom, clarity, joy, peace, and power. You can create your highest future by viewing your soul's records to know why you are here, and to appreciate the shifts and steps you have already taken to expand your consciousness, to serve, and to open your heart.
Learn How to Attract Good Into Your Life
You will work with your soul and the World Teacher of Love to discover how to to be more magnetic to good things, and to repel anything that is not for your higher good. You will discover how to be more magnetic to draw to you all you need to create your highest future and to manifest the opportunities that are now possible with the expansions of consciousness you gain from contact with extra-planetary star energy.
Work with Star Energy to Create Your Highest Future
You will awaken your spiritual vision and third eye by working with star energies from the Pleiades, Sirius, and the Great Bear. Read about Star Energies and their importance. You will create your highest future by linking your mind with your higher mind for insights and understanding, by aligning with Divine Will, and by drawing in and receiving the powerful spiritual energies of transformation that are coming to the earth plane. As you draw in this light, you can create an even higher future, for you will be in harmony with the powerful energies of transformation that are now being made available to humanity.
In a powerful journey of initiation, you will receive energy from the Master of Vision to awaken your vision, from the Lord of Civilization to increase your ability to manifest, from a World Teacher of Love to awaken your heart center, and from the Angel of the Presence a gift of light just for you to assist you in creating your highest future. Course contains 10 Orin meditations and talks by Sanaya.
PDF booklet with transcripts is an online product (there is no printed version that will be sent to you). The PDF for this product will appear in your Member's Area under "My Downloads" after purchase for you to view online, or to print.
NOTE: The download version of this course is new as of July 19, 2012. The Orin journeys have been professionally recorded in a studio setting for high-quality audio, and are almost identical to the original journeys The talks by Sanaya are the original seminar talks. If you downloaded the audio from this course prior to the 7/19/12 date, you can access the new audio for free by simply downloading it again using the links below. If you want to save the older version that you previously downloaded, you might want to rename it, as the audio below will overwrite any files you have previously saved of this course. Please note, when this was recorded again, one very long Orin journey was made as two separate meditations, so that there is one extra track in the new audio.
In Orin's course, Part 1 of the Vision series called Vision, Seeing and Sensing Subtle Energies, you will be guided to awaken your third eye so you can see and sense subtle energies. You will work with a Master of Vision to evolve your physical eyes. Gold and white angels bring Solar Light into your physical eyes, building a new capacity for sight.
Meet and Work with a Master of Vision
The Master of Vision sends you energy from his Ajna center, also called the third eye, located about one inch in front of your forehead between your eyebrows to further awaken your third eye. You will build 2 triangles of light between your inner vision centers to create mental illumination and emotional clarity, increasing your ability to view your life with clarity and understanding. You can gain more clarity about what to manifest as you learn to see beyond illusions and release doubt, fear, or other emotions that might cloud your vision.
Awaken Your Third Eye
With these two triangles active your third eye becomes a blazing light that allows you to look more clearly into time, into the higher dimensions, and to sense and work with evolved beings. The material world and your daily life can then express the spiritual qualities of love, freedom, clear inner guidance, vision, peace, and harmony.
Draw in Star Energy to Enhance Your Spiritual Vision
To further enhance your ability to sense and see subtle energies, you will connect with powerful energies coming from the stars. You will draw in the energy coming from Sirius to see clearly, free from attachments, in the light of liberation; from the Pleiades to better see what to manifest; from the Great Bear to see higher purpose; and from the Pole Star of Direction to see your path of return home, to your source. Read about Star Energies and their importance.
Sense the Subtle Energies of Your Chakras;
Physical, Emotional, and Mental Bodies; and Your Soul
You will learn how to see and sense the subtle energies of your atomic; cellular; etheric; chakras; physical, emotional, and mental bodies; and soul. With your increasing ability to sense your etheric body, you will be able to observe some places where energy and light is not flowing. You will call to you devas, small angelic beings who can help shift these areas into more flowing patterns to heal, rejuvenate, and revitalize you.
You will take a journey to sense the subtle energies of plants, earth, sun, and Divine Will, and to link your will with Divine Will. You will use your ability to sense subtle energies to transform your relationships. You will work with the Pole Star to gai more vision to see your path and higher purpose, to see the path to return to your source, to make the journey “home”.
As you awaken your inner vision, you can create a life that reflects the beauty and perfection of your spirit–your eternal, Divine Self. The material world and your daily life can then express the spiritual qualities of love, freedom, clear inner guidance, vision, peace, and harmony.
Course contains 10 meditations by Orin and talks by Sanaya. Comes with extensive written material containing information on vision and star energy. Course originally taught as a live seminar, however it has been remade in a studio setting and is high-quality audio.
Special Offer Save $24.90! Purchase both Part 1 and Part 2 at the same time
Buy this audio course (OR917) and Orin's companion audio course, Part 2: Vision: Creating Your Highest Future, (OR918) Orin's Vision series at the same time and save. In Part 2 you will explore many powerful processes to create your highest future using the energies you will draw in from extra planetary sources, including Sirius for Divine Love, the Pleiades for Manifesting, the Big Dipper for Divine Will, and the Spiritual Sun. Learn ways to set up your third eye to see into the future. Strengthen your ability to receive guidance from your higher self and soul. You can draw to you all you need to create your highest future and to manifest the opportunities that are now possible with the expansions of consciousness you gain from contact with extra planetary star energy.
Download offer: Purchase both download courses at the same time and save. These 2 download albums (59.95 each) are $119.90 if purchased separately. Purchase both download courses at the same time for $95.00, and save $24.90.
Download offer includes 2 free MP3 Thaddeus music track downloads with purchase.
Recommended Course After Completion of This Course
Orin's Course: Increasing Your Inner Light
As you increase your inner light you can release forms, relationships, and circumstances that do not support you and draw to you ones that do. Take your next steps, create an enlightened mind, awaken soul vision, open to new opportunities, see into the future, and add light to your aura. Link with the higher forces and Star energy for transformation. 12 journeys by Orin, music by Thadeus.
View all Orin's Vision Products
There are currently no scheduled Orin live seminars. Please read more about DaBen's current seminars for information.
You can read about Orin's newest course Connecting with Your Guide, Receiving Clear Guidance (C201). This course will assist you in making a good, clear, strong connection to a guide whose purpose is to assist you in receiving clear guidance, either directly into your mind, or through channel aloud. You will then learn more about how guidance comes about, how to view the bigger picture, see into the details, go out into time, and get guidance so clear that you can take action on it.
Orin has a new series of audio courses called Orin's Path of Self-Realization audio courses. This is a major work by Orin that has been several years in the making. This is composed of three series of courses so far:
Orin's Transcending Your Ego courses (six volumes, with 72 guided journeys and manuals). You can read a short description of all six at this link.
Orin's Becoming Your Divine Self courses (three volumes, with 36 guided meditations and manuals).
Orin's newest course: Asking and Receiving from Your Divine Self
Announcement by Sanaya About Future Events With Orin
As you can read in Orin's message about the path he is offering, all of his work from his first book and audio course, to his current work, is offering a step-by-step path for you to realize the Divine Self, the true Self as who you are. Read Orin's Path of Self Realization. Realize that the key to Self Realization is in your hands. You have the ability to realize your full potential, to become a fully realized Self. When you are ready, Orin and all of the guides and inner teachers are there to assist you. All you need will be provided for the next phase of your journey to Self Realization. ~Sanaya
Star Energies
Sanaya's Story of Working with Star Energies
Orin's Millennium Journeys and Star Energies
Exercise: Aligning with Star Energies
General Information about Sirius, Pleiades, Big Dipper, Pole Star, Spiritual Sun, and Solar Light
Work with Solar Light to Become a More Perfect Light
Energies of Each Season and Solar Light.
Exercise: Bringing Solar Light into Your Chakras
Exercise: Changing Your Relationships with Solar Light
Exercise: Changing a Situation with Solar Light
Meditation to work with Solar Light
Exercise: Finding and Knowing Light
Exercise: Becoming Light; Radiating Light
Orin's Path of Self-Realization
Teaching the Millennium Journeys
Exercise: Linking with Divine Will
Exercise: Receiving Divine Will
Millennium Message | Energy Present Now
Energies Present in the New Millennium
Orin and DaBen's Earlier Comments on Earth Changes
Note, these were older articles, but we have kept them up as they are still relevant today.