Type: Audio Course
Journeys By: Orin
Contains: 12 Guided Meditations
Music by: Thaddeus
Length: 4.50 hours
MP3 - 128kbs. Download after purchase by going to the "My Downloads and Seminars" in the members area. There is no limit to how many times you can download.
Audio, PDF Booklet with TranscriptsProduct Number: MM030
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Accelerating Your Evolution
In this course you will link with your soul and then draw in the light of your spirit, the source of your soul. It is your soul's light that reveals the light of spirit. As your soul awareness grows you can connect directly with spirit, also called the Divine Self, accelerating your evolution with this contact.
You will work with spirit to activate a seed of light within you that carries your potential for enlightenment. You will explore dimensions of light that can transform your being at every level, initiate new qualities of awareness, and awaken your spiritual power.
You will work with your soul, spirit, and enlightened beings of light to receive sacred codes and symbols that can activate the potential within your cells and DNA to accelerate your evolution. You will journey into the oneness, learn how to surrender to the currents of light there, and thus increase your ability to find and surrender to the light in your daily life.
You will receive from Sirius the extra planetary light of liberation, love freedom, and initiation. You will contact the Spiritual Sun to illuminate the "veil of unknowingness" that separates you from the Divine Self, for in this light the veil disappears. This contact will greatly accelerate your consciousness and ability to manifest this new light. It will assist you in opening to all the opportunities that are present right now in these changing times, in part because of the light from these sources.
You will work with your soul, spirit, and the Enlightened Ones to release limitations and blockages, and to strengthen your unique frequency of energy that is your gift to the world. You will learn more ways to let go of pain and accept joy, abundance, and love.
As you touch upon the light of spirit, the essence of your being, and as you connect with many high energies, you can increase your vision, gain new insights and perspectives, release attachments, have greater clarity about your inner truth, and experience greater wholeness. 12 journeys by Orin, with music by Thaddeus.
Orin Meditations Include:
Program 1: Connecting With Spirit –– Connect with spirit and draw in its light through three points of energy that form a halo above your head. With this connection you can experience greater wholeness, know and live your truth, and gain more clarity, insight, and wisdom about who you are.
Program 2: Absorbing Divine Essence –– Become a wave form and travel into the light of divine essence, opening a doorway to experience directly a quality of light that can transform your being at every level. Change some of the basic patterns and harmonics of light within you into a higher frequency.
Program 3: Creating New Light Within –– Work with three light beings and your soul and spirit to activate a seed of light within you that carries your potential for enlightenment and that lifts you to your next level of evolution.
Program 4: Transforming Your Awareness –– Surround the electrical boundary of your soul with a cocoon of your awareness, then merge with spirit. Experience a new awareness of the light, beauty, and spirit in yourself and in all life around you.
Program 5: Strengthening the Initiating Will –– Connect with a Master who transmits to you a quality of will from the Great Bear to assist you in releasing resistance and struggle, and in aligning with the goals of your soul and spirit.
Program 6: Releasing Limitations –– Link with your soul, spirit, and an angel to release energy blockages so you can expand beyond previous limits. Receive transmissions of joy, expansion, courage, strength, and one that enhances your note, your truth, your unique frequency of energy.
Program 7: Surrender and Trust –– Become a point of light traveling into the oneness, finding and surrendering to the currents of light there. Use this skill to find and surrender to the light in your daily life. Link your throat center and sacral center to enhance your ability to create and manifest.
Program 8: Exploring Dimensions of Light –– Join with your soul to experience an explosion of energy that takes you to very high dimensions of light. Bring this light back into your chakras to experience greater vision, new insights and perspectives, and a new quality of feeling.
Program 9: Activating Evolutionary Codes –– Meet with an Enlightened One and an angel to receive sacred codes and symbols. They will activate the seeds of potential within your DNA and cells to assist you in accelerating your evolution.
Program 10: Sirius and the Central Spiritual Sun –– Receive the light that is coming from Sirius to free yourself from attachments and the influence of matter. Draw in light from the Central Spiritual Sun to enhance your ability to manifest.
Program 11: Awakening Spiritual Power –– Call upon the incredible power of your soul and spirit to create breakthroughs, to take a quantum leap, and to make changes you have been wanting to make. Tap into this power that can move energy, that can create matter out of light, and that can make the transition from one vibration to a higher one.
Program 12: Receiving Your Crown of Light –– Let go of suffering and pain and accept joy, abundance, service, and love as you wear a crown of light.
Course contains 12 Journeys by Orin with music by Thaddeus. This is part 3 of a 4 part course. You can study these courses in any order.
PDF booklet with transcripts is an online product (there is no printed version that will be sent to you). The PDF for this product will appear in your Member's Area under "My Downloads" after purchase for you to view online, or to print.
Additional Courses in Orin's Millennium Series
In Orin's Increasing Your Inner Light course you will learn how to surround yourself and loved ones with light, open your mind to enlightened thoughts, prepare for time changes, connect with extra-planetary energies that are coming to earth from the Pole Star, Great Bear, Sirius, and Pleiades, awaken your soul vision and ability to see into the future, and experience more of your soul's light, love, will, power, serenity, and joy.
Receive transmissions from the beings of light as you listen. Learn how to travel into the fifth dimension, reorganize the essence of your being into a higher pattern, and attract new opportunities to yourself. You will bring light from your soul, the Solar Light, and an electrical-type light from a Master to awaken your chakras. You will then bring light into the atoms of your body for atomic radiance to awaken the seeds of light within them.
Expand your consciousness and potential and to be a positive force of love and light to everyone around you. As you increase your inner light, you will be able to release those forms that do not support your enlightenment, and draw to you new ones that do. Contains 12 Journeys by Orin with music by Thaddeus.
Orin's Expanding Your Consciousness course is to assist you in knowing your soul, in being aware of your higher purpose, and in connecting with the higher forces of the universe and the many beings of light who are transmitting light to humanity. Throughout these journeys, you will work with your soul and the Solar Angels to expand your consciousness. As your consciousness expands, you will be able to more easily manifest your path, stay in a higher flow, and become a light for others.
In these meditations, you expand your consciousness through evolving your chakras. You will grow through meeting and blending with a Master who has been guiding you throughout your lifetime. You will receive spiritual energy from several world teachers (beings of light) who transmit powerful energies of transformation to you.
You will journey to the plane of intuition to experience pure knowingness. You will learn how to open your channel upward and blend with higher levels of your being so you can receive the many gifts of light and awareness these higher levels of your being have for you. You will continue expanding by merging your consciousness with the soul of the earth and the Solar Light. You then grow through experiencing the Mind of God, journeying to source, and becoming one with the All-That-Is, the Divine Self within you and all life..
You will continue expanding by merging your consciousness with the soul of the earth and the Solar Light. The Solar Light is the "soul" of the Sun, and radiates the consciousness, magnetism, and vitality of life itself. Contact with it brings the awakening of Divine Love.
You finish these journeys by linking with the Great Ones who are sending light to humanity. This assists you in knowing and living your higher path and purpose, and in bringing light into your life and to all life around you. Contains 12 Journeys by Orin with music by Thaddeus.
In Orin's Building a Radiant Aura course, you will meet and work with the angel who directs the devas–small angelic beings–to assist you in building a radiant aura. The focus of this course is to build the energies into your aura at the devic level that will allow you to express the light, love, harmony, energy, and peace of your soul and spirit, which is also called the Divine Self.
The radiance you build in your aura is the substance of light that clothes your thoughts in light and gives them the power to manifest and bring you wonderful, positive experiences. Your radiance determines the situations and circumstances of your life, and the type of energy you live in and around. The radiance of your aura determines how you think and feel, and the well-being of your physical body.
The radiant angel of the devas will work with you in these journeys to connect you with tiny angelic beings called devas. They will assist you in weaving the light of spirit; the Divine Self, Solar light; light from the Pleiades, Sirius, the Great Bear, and the Spiritual Sun into your aura to transform your consciousness and open for you a new level of light and inner illumination. With this, what you manifest and draw to you will reflect the radiant light you have contacted from these higher sources.
The devas will work with you to purify your aura of denser energies, to enlighten your mind, to build a network of light around your eyes to assist you in having spiritual vision, and to create an aura filled with the substance of light that will allow you to tap into the subtle dimensions and all the spiritual riches that exist there.
You will work with the devas that create a blue mist so lower energies cannot penetrate your aura. The chakra devas will assist you in evolving your chakras to expand your creativity and let go of power struggles. The Oneness devas will assist you in linking with the oneness of all life, knowing yourself as a point of light within a greater light.
These Orin journeys will assist you in deepening your understanding of how to work with the angelic and devic kingdoms to build finer matter into your body, emotions, and mind, to open the way to become the Divine Self and to express its light in every area of your life. The incoming energies are opening humanity to a greater awareness of the angelic and devic kingdoms of nature. 12 Orin Journeys, music by Thaddeus.
Special Offer: Save $57! Buy all 4 courses in this series at the same time.
This is a series of courses by Orin to assist you in expanding your consciousness, accelerating your spiritual growth, and manifesting in higher ways by connecting with the extra planetary energies that are influencing the earth plane. These are energies that open up your higher path and world service, that put you into harmony with a vast universe of forces, and that once contacted manifest in your life as opportunities that would not have been possible before. All four courses work together to prepare you for a new and higher future through working with the Spiritual Sun, and other extra-planetary energies that can put you on a higher path.
Download offer: These 4 download albums ($89 each) are $356 if purchased separately. Purchase all 4 albums at the same time for $299, and save $57.
Download special offer includes 4 free MP3 Thaddeus music track downloads with purchase.
Orin's Vision Courses
Orin's Vision courses are to assist you in knowing what to manifest as you contact higher energies. The Vision skills bring you a greater ability to accurately translate the extra planetary energy you contact into thoughts, ideas, insights, revelations, activities, forms, circumstances, relationships, and new conditions so that what you create will best unfold these higher energies and all the opportunity they offer.
These Vision courses will assist you in getting more out of any of Orin's courses, as they will assist you in opening your third eye to see into the spiritual energy realms.
Vision: Seeing and Sensing Subtle Energies Orin guides you to awaken your third eye so you can see and sense subtle energies from the smallest levels to the star level. You will draw in energy from Sirius to see clearly, free from attachments, in the light of liberation; from the Pleiades to better see what to manifest; from the Great Bear to see higher purpose; and from the Pole Star of Direction to see your path of return home to your source. Learn to see beyond illusions, without doubt, fear, or emotions that cloud inner vision. Develop etheric vision and clear your aura. Learn to better see your higher purpose, what to manifest, and your path of spiritual growth.
Vision: Creating Your Highest Future Explore many powerful processes to create your highest future using the energies you will draw in from extra planetary sources, including Sirius for Divine Love, Pleiades for Manifesting, the Big Dipper for Divine Will, and the Spiritual Sun. Learn ways to set up your third eye to see into the future. Strengthen your ability to receive guidance from your higher self and soul. Draw to you all you need to create your highest future and to manifest the opportunities that are now possible with the expansions of consciousness you gain from contact with extra planetary star energy. Find those choices, decisions, and paths that unfold your greatest potential for this lifetime.
There are currently no scheduled Orin live seminars. Please read more about DaBen's current seminars for information.
You can read about Orin's newest course Connecting with Your Guide, Receiving Clear Guidance (C201). This course will assist you in making a good, clear, strong connection to a guide whose purpose is to assist you in receiving clear guidance, either directly into your mind, or through channel aloud. You will then learn more about how guidance comes about, how to view the bigger picture, see into the details, go out into time, and get guidance so clear that you can take action on it.
Orin has a new series of audio courses called Orin's Path of Self-Realization audio courses. This is a major work by Orin that has been several years in the making. This is composed of three series of courses so far:
Orin's Transcending Your Ego courses (six volumes, with 72 guided journeys and manuals). You can read a short description of all six at this link.
Orin's Becoming Your Divine Self courses (three volumes, with 36 guided meditations and manuals).
Orin's newest course: Asking and Receiving from Your Divine Self
Announcement by Sanaya About Future Events With Orin
As you can read in Orin's message about the path he is offering, all of his work from his first book and audio course, to his current work, is offering a step-by-step path for you to realize the Divine Self, the true Self as who you are. Read Orin's Path of Self Realization. Realize that the key to Self Realization is in your hands. You have the ability to realize your full potential, to become a fully realized Self. When you are ready, Orin and all of the guides and inner teachers are there to assist you. All you need will be provided for the next phase of your journey to Self Realization. ~Sanaya
Star Energies
Sanaya's Story of Working with Star Energies
Orin's Millennium Journeys and Star Energies
Exercise: Aligning with Star Energies
General Information about Sirius, Pleiades, Big Dipper, Pole Star, Spiritual Sun, and Solar Light
Work with Solar Light to Become a More Perfect Light
Energies of Each Season and Solar Light.
Exercise: Bringing Solar Light into Your Chakras
Exercise: Changing Your Relationships with Solar Light
Exercise: Changing a Situation with Solar Light
Meditation to work with Solar Light
Exercise: Finding and Knowing Light
Exercise: Becoming Light; Radiating Light
Orin's Path of Self-Realization
Teaching the Millennium Journeys
Exercise: Linking with Divine Will
Exercise: Receiving Divine Will
Millennium Message | Energy Present Now
Energies Present in the New Millennium
Orin and DaBen's Earlier Comments on Earth Changes
Note, these were older articles, but we have kept them up as they are still relevant today.